
Industry, sincerity, Justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity and humility. For the summary order he followed a little scheme of employing his time each day. From five to seven each morning he spent in bodily personal attention, saying a short prayer, thinking over the day’s business and resolutions, studying and eating breakfast. From eight till twelve … <p class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link">Continua a leggere<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Blog post with custom quote"</span></a></p>

Blog post with custom quote

Aprile 9, 2019
Industry, sincerity, Justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity and humility. For the summary order he followed a little scheme of employing his time each day. From five to seven each morning he spent in bodily personal attention, saying a short prayer,.
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